Rewrite the index one update at a time

Paul Panserrieu 383 words

With each Google index algo update, the dice are rolled again. And like any algorithm, it simply does what it’s programmed to do. The algo doesn’t care if you’ve had that website for years or if it’s really relevant, because the index itself can’t test your app, website, SaaS.

It just analyzes the accessible website content.

In the last days on december 2024, my latest micro SaaS was completly sanboxed. That means the ranking search terms it was associated with went so hight that it is now invisible.

In one update, you are invisible.


Running the same searches now yields entirely new results. That’s literally a kick in the b***. Still, I find some positive takeaways from this algo update:

With every update, the index evolves daily. But according to internet rumors, when you’re sandboxed by Google, it’s tough to come back. Affaire à suivre.

In 3 months a new algo will be push to prod, it will recalibrate itself, and the cycle will continue.

The impact of the algo change, I mean the sandboxing is quite hard and not plaisant to my ego. But, let’s face it, relaying on a single source of lead feels risky.

Hopefully I was not working on that site since 25 years like that user on reddit:


Far be it from me to complain — the index isn’t a public space, and maybe like you, I need to experience these things for myself.

So What next?

Rebuild a new version of the website:

Building only one lead stream from SEO feels risky, no? I guess I need to see if cold emails may also get me somewhere.