Scammed by Pieter Borremans:
How I lost 3 ETH + 2 BNB + 499$

My Story

After many years of building I was desperate due to little attention vs. enormous efforts and a product with 0 MRR. I was following twitter's #buildinpublic for quite a while and I suddenly found in @outofsigma what I was searching for: help and guidance in my “Entrepreneurial” journey.

In my tweets and my weekly wrap-up, without realizing it, I increased my vulnerability day by day to outofsigma looking for easy targets.

I joined outofsigma’s Million Dollar Challenge discord server on week 33 in 2023 (removed blog post on and unfortunately entered the initial level of the scam. Trust began to build through regular messages.

When he began searching for people to present their projects on his private discord group FocusX, I immediately answered to demo Yes, I wanted feedback and attention like every Solopreneur. He was gradually drawing me deeper into his scheme.

I did my presentation on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. Just after the presentation, he hooked me on a call and convinced me to sign for his most expensive coaching plan amounting to 499$ per month. (

The first session took place on Monday, January 22, 2024 and lasted 1h30, followed by another call on Friday of the same week.

The next call was scheduled quickly for Tuesday, January 30, 2024. He began to talk about crypto and that I could invest with him and others. With his expertise, I had a great opportunity to earn some money while trying to turn into a profitable product with his coaching.

As trust had already been there, I sent 3 ETH (see tx on

On Friday, February 2, 2024 and since our focus now pretty much switched to crypto, I sent him additional 4 BNB to 0xb02d0ceac5f05f7e87828b27682b6d7539040d17 (I sent it directly from binance).

On that weekend, I rebalanced all my crypto. On that weekend, I felt quite bad. I was slowly realizing the red flags: pushy messages, wanting answers and more crypto right away. No paperwork, no details about the investment vehicle or how we would share profits.

The next Monday, February 5, 2024, I participated in our last call. I was not feeling well at all. My body was trying to tell me something.

He gave me some tasks for, but I went into full coding. Too overwhelmed with the situation. I felt guilty of my naivety.

On Sunday, February 11, 2024, I sent a message asking to pause my launchpad subscription and requesting him to return my crypto.

Lengthy explanations about huge losses when withdrawing the crypto, the need to keep the investment with him for several months and that I "gotta trust the process on how [he] needs to do [his] jobs" awakened me to the truth.

I blocked my credit card immediately. Trust was broken.

After many messages, he returned 2 of my 4 BNB: see tx on

He did not answer any of my messages after February 17, 2024.

As today, March 15, 2024 my total loss with outofsigma is 3ETH + 2BNB ~ 3,900$ * 3 + 2* 600$ + 499$ = 13,399$.

That was a very expensive lesson.

I share my story hoping that it will prevent you from falling into the same trap.

Paul Panserrieu

Read more about Pieter Borremans known as Out Of Sigma, outofsigma, Oos (I am not the only victim):

First update - Nov. 2024: Well, some scammers don’t stop. This time, it seems the person struck again on Reddit using the username Jay Ming: Story on Reddit. I only had time to save 2 pages of his new scam website and his youtube channel before he deleted everything, just like last time:

Website extract 1
Coaching and mentorship The Super Hustle
Website extract 2
Monthly Update #2_ Stripe Misery, Disruption & Losses _ The Super Hustle
Youtube: TheWeekly Reflection Aug 18th Aug 25th
Youtube: The Super Hustle Episode #01: How To Progress Faster?
Youtube: Episode 02: The Super Hustle - 3 Reasons Why I Don't Hire You
Youtube: Episode #03: 3 Signs You Need To Take A Break
Youtube: Episode #04: How To Prevent Startup Failure
Youtube: Episode #05: Worst Side Hustles To Start As A Beginner
Youtube: Episode #06 When Do You Quit Your Job